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About Us

I'm Federico, I'm 33 and I am the Founder and owner of Dilexit Omnes. I spent the last 15 years studying and working in retail and I decided to take this step because I believe we can contribute to change the fashion industry. 
I believe that the respect for the people, the environment and the animals are the keys that will bring us into the future. 
I know I am very lucky to be part of that small social group that does not suffer any discrimination. Precisely for this reason, I believe that we must all fight to destroy this system and create a more equitable, just and inclusive one.
I am also very lucky because I have a very talented friend that is a talented Fashion Designer and decided to join me in this adventure. 
I'm Micaela, I'm 26 and I'm the stylist and creative director of Dilexit Omnes. I have developed a great passion for the visual arts and for fashion, a sector in which I have chosen to study and which I have chosen to deepen, with great attention to innovation and sustainability.
This project fascinated me from the very beginning due to the uncompromising philosophy that underlies it.
You will soon discover that in order to respect all the fundamental criteria for our brand we have created a dry, precise and clear design. Through the development of a minimalist but not trivial style, we have also sought all the design precautions to make the garments comfortable, versatile and wearable.